
Dance Safari – Fundraiser

Pre view and fundraiser

Dance Safari is an exciting new community project that brings together amateur and professional dancers to create a site-specific dance work that is headed and choreographed by The New Movement, collaborating with participants from Konstkupan. The performance is viewed by the audience at a distance, with the choreographies, based on the themes of “human interaction, contact and conversation”, performed in places throughout a landscape. Equipped with a dance map and binoculars, the audience must search for the works they want to see, which creates a new and fun engaging way of experiencing “people-watching” and our public spaces. Visitors are encouraged to bring their own headphones and music player with a mixed playlist, to choose the music they want for the choreographies they watch. Dance Safari creates a bridge between immigrants and Swedes and becomes a creative meeting place that encourages togetherness and inclusiveness through creative collaboration.

We welcome you to have a preview of the Dance Safari choreographies, hosted by Inkonst at Inkonst. Come see and celebrate the results of our work since we kicked off in February doing creative sessions with our participants. Dance Safari has been an amazing project which Nya Rörelsen has had such a privilege to run this year, but we really need your help to enable us to make this project better. This event will also be a fundraiser to collect donations. Any donation of 50kr and up will enter a lottery where you could win some great prices: An AdeY piece of photographic art, an original piece of graphic art by Peterthewowart, a breakfast for 2 at Malmö Arena Hotel, tickets to see the performance JAMI district at Inkonst, and even a manicure! come help us, come help us, come join the fun, come join the safari!

Funded by Region Skåne, Malmö Stad, Sommarlund, Sommarscen. With extra support from Inkonst, Danscentrum Syd, Stenkrossen and Kultur I Lund.