
Don’t Fear Change – BRAVO TOGA

Scout-practices is mixed with cognitive group therapy in this dramatic research about escaping one's domesticated lifestyle and re-connecting with one's inner wildlife.

Dates: 12-13/4
Doors: 18:30/ On Stage: 19:00
135/175 kr
60 min

Human beings entertain themselves with nonsense and death things. There is no planet B, but what if planet A stands for Adaption – and when did nature actually ask to be saved by us and not from us?

Circling around the notion that the apocalypse is a boring dystopia – no grandiose battlefield but just a little less of everything fun in a slow collapse of biodiversity and capitalism – BRAVO TOGA is creating the performance Don’t Fear Change. A choreographic and dramatic research about escaping one’s domesticated lifestyle and re-connecting with one’s inner wildlife.

Exploring the paradox of being a human body with a prehistoric animal brain, BRAVO TOGA wonders how humanity is coping with our current cliffhanger-moment in time. By cross-fertilizing intermistic scoutpractices with actual cognitive group therapy, Don’t Fear Change questions the prospects of our dead-end future like a rockband in a midlife crisis who finally understands their past toxicity and ask ourselves: is this the best version of us?

On and off stage:
BRAVO TOGA: Anna Kuusamo, Sara Ribbenstedt and Lena Bondeson
Sounddesign: Bernt Karsten Sannerud
Make-up design: Moa Hedberg
Graphic design: Aske Loewe (poster)

BRAVO TOGA has existed since 2014 creating conceptual performances in an interdisciplinary space between dance and theatre. They use collective choreographing and instructing as their main working method by blending and swapping in the creative initiative and leadership during the process. BRAVO TOGA strives to make tactile, abstractly clever and woke performance art and share a true love for working with “lameness” as an element of their artistic practice – meaning that “no-go is a go-go”. The collective believe that the most efficient way to be norm critical is with humour.