
Female Prayers – The Sacred & The Secular by Nevin Tuna Erönde

A performative audiovisual installation experience based on the idea that one day we will hear female/non-binary voices calling for prayer in public spaces around the world.

13/10 kl. 18:30/20:00
19.00 – Artist Talk with Nevin on the Small Stage

14/10 kl. 19:00

15/10 kl. 14:00/15:00

30 min
performative audiovisual installation
Doors 30 min prior the performance

Female Prayers – the sacred & the secular is a performative audiovisual installation experience. The work is based on the idea that one day we will hear female/non-binary voices calling for prayer in public spaces around the world. What would it tell us about society if female voices took up space in the public domain? The piece is a peaceful message, where the artist Nevin Tuna Erönde, uses soundscapes, film, and spoken letters, as a medium to explore hidden patriarchal and racist structures, social-cultural-religious constructs, and the traditional gender roles through the lens of intersectionality.

The story in the piece is unfolding through spoken letters addressed to her late maternal grandmother, who was a practicing Muslim and lived in Istanbul. Each letter represents a life theme and memories from her upbringing. In the visuals, Erönde reconnects and repairs her connection to her grandmother and draws parallels between the Muslim prayer rituals, and her own yoga practice with atmospheric visual art and moving pictures from various city locations and Friday prayers led by female muezzins.

The installation experience is inspired by the Muslim Friday prayer and Marina Abramovic’s “Method for Treasures”. A method that breaks down the boundaries between staging and audience, and where the performative elements help to create a sense of community in the room. The audience will sit on a carpeted floor as if they were attending a Friday prayer in a mosque, surrounded by four video projection screens. The experience starts with a symbolic water cleansing and towards the end of the installation experience, there will be a guided prayer (Prayer of Light) and a 360-degree view from Istanbul with female voices calling for prayer. The physical space, rituals, and soundscapes set the framework for the narrative and, at the same time, create a feeling of community in the space. The audience IS a co-creator of the space.

Nevin Tuna Erönde (Artistic Director, Sound Artist, Producer)
Suvi Andrea Helminen (Video editing)
Kristian Hverring (Sound, mixing, mastering)
Ingeborg Okkels (Sound)
Heli Sorjonen (Photography)
Stephanie Degiorgio (Visual art)


Nevin Tuna Erönde (b. 1974, Denmark) graduated from the University of Salford, B(Sc) Music, Acoustics & Recording in 2003. Composer and sound artist with a strong focus on diversity in storytelling. Her art is based on experiences from her own life, from which she thematizes intersectionality (gender, ethnicity), using sound art as a medium to focus on cultural and social issues. Worked as a sound designer in the computer gamesindustry from 2006 – 2016. Co-founded Game Girl Workshop in 2010. A workshop concept teaching young girls to make computer games based on their own stories and experiences – organizing and running workshops in Denmark, Dubai, Sweden & Palestinian Territories.