

This is a tribute!

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge: the avant-garde personified, Godparent of Industrial Music and an unapologetic purveyor of occult and ritual practices in the arts. Always challenging and, at times, light years beyond h/er peers. 

We know – we might be a bit late on this – but just as this devastating pandemic struck the world, a great artist passed on to other endeavors. Hence, this night has been a long time in the making. We do hope that this fact becomes apparent to the audience. 

We are of course talking about Genesis Breyer P-Orridge: the avant-garde personified, Godparent of Industrial Music and an unapologetic purveyor of occult and ritual practices in the arts. Always challenging and, at times, light years beyond h/er peers. 

Founder of Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV and the Chaos magic collective Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth. This is a tribute to h/er work.  

We’ve invited a great array of artists from different corners of the experimental scene, local and out-of-towners alike, to interpret the different nuances of Genesis’ body of work. 

From close collaborator and friend Carl Abrahamsson comes the 2020 film “Change Itself”, other than this, we’ve prepared the stage for musicians, artists and DJs to perform their very own vision – more or, sometimes less free at hand:

Anna Drvnik
Pets or Food
Noise Against Fascism
Abu Nein
Carl Michael von Hausswolff
Leif Holmstrand 


På Inkonst följer vi Folkhälsomyndighetens, Polisens och Malmö stads bestämmelser och riktlinjer i samtliga avseenden gällande COVID-19

Fr. o.m den 1 december kommer vår personal att börja  kontrollera vaccinationsbevis.
För att påskynda processen vid insläpp ber vi er att ha ID och vaccinationsbevis nära till hands när ni besöker oss.

At Inkonst, we follow the guidelines, rules and regulations set by the  Swedish Public Health Authorities, The Swedish Police and the City of Malmö.
Starting December 1st, our staff will be checking proof of vaccination upon entry.
To ensure a smooth entry, please have your ID and proof of vaccination readily available when entering.