
HEX – Josefina Björk

If you’re reading this you have been summoned.

4/12 at 16-19 & 19-22
5/12 at 13-16 & 16-19
(doors open 30 min prior)

H E X invites the audience to a coven dedicated to awaken humanity from the biopolitical hexes of contemporary life.

By dividing our emotional capacity into five elements, the witches want to explore what parts of us we have been forced to suppress or forget, and how this affects our possibilities to be together.

Through rites, group tasks and performances, the spells that possess our flesh are examined with an expectation to approximate the unmeasurable, the collective and the intuitive

The piece is participatory and includes a meal. The food is vegan, gluten and nut free. Other allergies or dietary needs: please contact:

Josefina Björk is an artist who creates immersive performances with active audience participation. Her works become alternative cultures that can offer the visitors perspective on the contemporary culture we live in. She has a degree in fine arts from Akademin Valand and is one of the people who run the art platform Ställbergs gruva in an old iron ore mine outside of Kopparberg.

Concept and direction: Josefina Björk | Performers and concept: Livia Hiselius, Josephine Kylén Collins, Alexandra Wingate | Visual concept: Julia Kylén Collins | Composition and sound design: Patsy Lassbo | Light design: Emily Lavebäck | Producer: Erik Berg | Psychology consultant: Kristoffer Liljedahl | Illustration: Sara Anstis | Chef: Kristin Bergman | Photo: Kim Ekberg

H E X is produced with the help of Skogen, Inkonst and residency at Ställbergs gruva.

With support from: The Swedish Arts Grants Comittée, Swedish Art Council, Region Västra Götaland, and City of Gothenburg.

Special thanks to: Skogen, Anja Bergdahl, Jonathan Björk, Linn Hilda Lamberg, Stefan Åkesson, David Wingate.


På Inkonst följer vi Folkhälsomyndighetens, Polisens och Malmö stads bestämmelser och riktlinjer i samtliga avseenden gällande COVID-19

Fr. o.m den 1 december kommer vår personal att börja  kontrollera vaccinationsbevis.
För att påskynda processen vid insläpp ber vi er att ha ID och vaccinationsbevis nära till hands när ni besöker oss.

At Inkonst, we follow the guidelines, rules and regulations set by the  Swedish Public Health Authorities, The Swedish Police and the City of Malmö.
Starting December 1st, our staff will be checking proof of vaccination upon entry.
To ensure a smooth entry, please have your ID and proof of vaccination readily available when entering.

  • 4–5/12 2021
  • DEC 4: 16-19 & 19-22 / DEC 5: 13-16 & 16-19
  • 110/165:-
  • Tickets