
Inkonstbaren: Martinou “Rift” Album Release Party

A celebration of Malmö son Martinou’s debut album “RIFT”, which was recently released on Nous'klaer Audio.

The music is described as “full of noisy and organic textures bound by hypnotic and soothing melodies”, most of which were created at the Inkonst studio. This night is an exploration of the sounds, rhythms and moods of “RIFT” with Martinou behind the decks.

Come in, zone out.

På Inkonst följer vi Folkhälsomyndighetens, Polisens och Malmö stads bestämmelser och riktlinjer i samtliga avseenden gällande COVID-19

Fr. o.m den 1 december kommer vår personal att börja  kontrollera vaccinationsbevis.
För att påskynda processen vid insläpp ber vi er att ha ID och vaccinationsbevis nära till hands när ni besöker oss.

At Inkonst, we follow the guidelines, rules and regulations set by the  Swedish Public Health Authorities, The Swedish Police and the City of Malmö.
Starting December 1st, our staff will be checking proof of vaccination upon entry.
To ensure a smooth entry, please have your ID and proof of vaccination readily available when entering.

  • 3/12 2021
  • 22-02
  • Free
  • 18