
International Women’s Day

Come and hang out, experience politics and panel discussions during International Women's Day.

The feminist struggle is needed more than ever. In Europe and the world, racist right wing parties are gaining ground. Abortion rights are threatened, EU militarized and women’s bodies are sold on the market through surrogate motherhood and prostitution. Eight men own more than half the world together.

But around the world there is also a resistance growing. On March 8, we celebrate women’s struggle all over the world with a great demonstration and a wonderful follow-up on Inkonst. We will invite panel discussions with the theme “How do we agree in the fight against the growing fascism in Europe” and it will be poetry, music and feminist hang.

This year’s slogan is: International solidarity – feminists worldwide, unite you!

The doors to Inkonst open at 19.00 and the arrangement ends at 22.00

Free entry.

Left Party Malmö, Feminist Initiative Malmö, Young Left Malmö, Iraqi Cultural Association, Victor Jara Association, Socialist Career, Kvarnby Folkhögskola and ABF.