Jan Cardell Mechanical Orchestra with Friends – Release Party
Finally!! After many years of working with mechanical instruments and sculptures, Jan Cardell now releases his first LP (Jan Cardell Mechanical Orchestra with Friends). FREE ENTRY
The record was produced and recorded by Nille Perned. Jan and Nille have worked for a couple of years translating the experience of the mechanical orchestra into audio only. The orchestra contains more than thirty different instruments of varying complexity, all created by Jan Cardell. It has involved a lot of instrument adjustments, programming and composition.
Several of Jan’s friends have contributed to the record and created a breadth of expression and depth:
Andi Almqvist, Helen Partridge, Martin Molin (Wintergatan), L.T. Fisk, Ved med Jenny Wilson, Frida Åstrand och Maria Stålhammar.
On December 13, there will be a release at Inkonst, with a full orchestra and some of the live artists. The doors open at 8 p.m.