
Klubb Döden x Inkonst pres. Sansibar (LIVE), Härdstedt, Josefine Hellström

By manipulating rhythms and frequencies Sansibar turns the intergalactic cosmic rays to a sonic voyage from above to below.

By manipulating rhythms and frequencies Sansibar turns the intergalactic cosmic rays to a sonic voyage from above to below.

Sansibar is a Helsinki based producer and DJ. With a wide background in music, he makes mind-warping mutant club music in underground conduits of his mind.

Sansibar hosts a bi-monthly radio program ”Sin Sistema” on IDA Radio and spins as a resident In Kaiku and Post Bar.Previously Sansibar has released music in a diverse output on labels such Natural Sciences, Émotsiya,

Darknet, Avoidance to name a few.

Before and after Klubb Döden residents will grace our feet for this behemoth of a club night.

This event is presented with Puls



  • 23/10 2021
  • 00-04
  • 130 sek
  • 20 years