
Podcast! Dilan & Moa meets: The People

Life coaching and social mysteries

Dilan & Moa has taken the step out of the livingroom, ready to take on a new object for their retrospective life coaching: you!

The podcast ”Dilan and Moa” is produced by Dilan Apak and Moa Lundqvist (Tankesmedjan i P3, Humorhimlen with Dilan and Moa i p3) and is published on a sort-of-weekly basis. For a year, the duo has recorded their podcast in the safe haven of Dilan’s living room. Now they are ready to finally face their audience in order to generously share all the life lessons they gathered through their years in mental puberty.

Everyone has faced socially complicated situations or general failure in life, but not everyone has had the oppurtunity of being life coached retrospectively by the most angst-affected podcasters of southern Malmö. Be one of the fortunate! Attend this live recorded pod of life wisdoms, buy a beer and experience the social mysteries unfold in Dilan & Moa meets: The People

The podcast will be in Swedish.

Inkonst, Dilan Apak & Moa Lundqvist