

Meat computer is a rapper, producer, and digital artist from Manitoba, Canada, who’s known for his unique and experimental sound. Support: Eurokidd and Babylon Barsebäck.

Doors 21, On stage 22

Meat computer is a rapper, producer, and digital artist from Manitoba, Canada, who’s known for his unique and experimental sound.
He first began releasing music under the alias Earthboy in 2017 generally in a more shoegaze, bedroom-pop, and indie style. He would maintain this pitched-down style until early 2020, when he changed his name to meat computer and began rapping in an extremely high-pitched voice over his experimental production.
Meat computer first rose to prominence in the underground in 2020 when his song “soul doubt” was featured on the popular YouTube channel HIVEMIND, with other established artists in the underground scene like Capoxxo, oaf1, and ITSOKTOCRY also soon taking notice of his music.
Since 2020, meat computer has released several projects, some of the most notable ones being soundtrack 2 the end of a world, social distancing from reality, Goop Computer with KirbLaGoop, and still social distancing from reality, with his latest to-date album, slept on the floor still dreamt about you released on December 22, 2022.


Eurokidd även känd som Captain Europe växte upp bland dom djupa skogarna i Sverige och kom i kontakt med sin kreativa sida vid ung ålder. Att hämta inspiration från sin omgivning och blanda det med nostalgiska minnen från filmer, spel och andra intressen kännetecknar just honom. Han utvecklade ett specifikt sound med sina melodier som kan påminna en tillbaka till 2010-talets Pop era, och även indieband som Interpol och Death Cab for Cutie. Genre-lös men likväl rappare som sångare, så har hiphopen även varit en stor del i hans liv. För Eurokidd handlar det inte bara om musiken utan även konsten och visionen runt om är lika viktig


Babylon Barsebäck

The producer/DJ combo of Babylon Barsebäck have by this point become synonymous with an aptitude for shaping the unconventional and the unexpected into freakishly effective dancefloor weaponry.
