Welcome to METAKLUBB, a prototype of a future nightclub in the emerging Metaverse!
IFFS together with performing arts company Bombina Bombast and choreographer Robin Jonsson have created a prototype of a VR nightclub with the purpose of exploring intimacy and movement co-creation in a speculative future where physical relations are impossible or rare.
Help us by coming and dancing!
Very few places available, grab yours NOW through writing your name and preferred date to info@bombinabombast.com!
What to expect
We humbly ask for two hours of your time, which includes all the necessary instructions for handling the VR headset and a subsequent facilitated talk about the experience. In the VR you are welcomed into a nightclub, guided by live virtual avatars who are controlled remotely by our performers. You will also be an avatar, and your facial expressions will not be perceptible to anyone. You are invited – not expected – to move, dance, and discuss any thoughts that you might have about the experience afterwards.
What’s in it for you?
This experience may generate insights into the role of VR in the future, and help researchers formulate hypotheses around questions such as:
– In what way will VR change social interactions? What sensory impressions can it create, amplify and repress? How does it help us communicate? What does it deprive us of?
– Will the transition to the so-called Metaverse happen painlessly or sluggishly? Do we want to go there?
– How will we communicate, socialize, show tenderness and love in the future?
Note that we may record parts of the virtual environment.
PS. All participants will be invited to participate in a digital “sensemaking” workshop on November 7 at 16–17.30. We’ll also be hosting an open & digital “Spridningsseminarium” for everyone on November 28th between 14-15 to share what we’ve come to learn throughout this process.
A concept by The Institute for Future Studies, Bombina Bombast and Robin Jonsson
Performers: Anna Asp & Ludvig Daae
Funded by Vinnova
Unity Programming: Dyno Robotics