
Nya Rörelsen “Not Visible / Visible”

A dance performance by young Malmö people

Not Visible / Visible is a project working with young refugees and Swedish youth within the Skåne region. This performance project is talking about the idea of what ‘visibility’ means for young people from vastly different backgrounds and experiences and bringing together these young people so they can share their stories with each other and the public, building bridges across what may divide our society into minorities.

The performance is free, but you need to register here:
Registration for July 15th
Registration for July 16th

The performance will also be shown at Sommarscen and Malmöfestivalen.

Nya Rörelsen will be looking at finding a common voice through the language of movement and giving young people a safe environment to experience creativity and have a platform to talk about their reality and explore this through the many avenues of expression.

Project Leader: Graham Adey | Coordinator/Liaison: Atoosa Farah | Artistic Collaborators/Workshop: Nya Rörelsen | Production: Eliana Oikawa | Co-production: Inkonst | Supported by: Sommarscen Malmö

Nya Rörelsen / The New Movement
Rörelsen Koreografer i Skåne are reforming as Nya Rörelsen. The changing of our name reflects partly this change, but more clearly it is shown in our understanding of what we believe is now the collectives ambition. Nya Rörelsen has always existed as a place where dance professionals can exchange competences, many of Malmö’s current dance professionals have learnt by having passed through Nya Rörelsen and capitalised on this to pursue their careers. As the collective now enter a new phase with predominantly new members, the group wants to clarify it’s place and role, and believe that this is to act as a ‘green house’ for professional growth, where emerging dance makers can develop their knowledge and skills relating to the production of personal artistic projects, public out-reach, and the navigating of educational pedagogy, all seen as the crucial aspects in which to not only find an artistic voice, but one that will have a confident span of life. Here, within the collective, new members are able to develop through learning from other experienced members that understand the systems in place, as well as being challenged by them, enabling them the tools and means to move forward in building ground-breaking work and a secure career of dance art production.

Nya Rörelsen