
CANCELED | Triptykon 2 – Danseatelier

Dance with choreographic tableaus inspired by the the visual arts world


Triptykon is a project created by Danseatelier, that includes three different performance-events placed in four different cities. The second event will be presented at Inkonst in January and includes one dance piece by Meleat Fredriksson, Nanna Stigsdatter Mathiassen, Snorre Elvin and Isolde Daun.

Triptykon shifts between the undone, the done and that which has already passed. It is a porous room where stone and steel can flow through. Bodies, sounds and invisible structures clash and crystallize in new formations. Together they create an image that can be seen from all sides, and which moves when you move.

The title Triptykon, borrowed from visual arts, is a threefold unit, consisting of individual paintings that both stand together and separate. With inspiration from this, Danseatelier will create choreographic tableaus, where movement, sound and scenography meets across and over one another.

Danseatelier is a place and a group of 11 colleagues, dancers and friends working in the field of dance in Copenhagen, as well as internationally. The initiative origins from a need for continuity, a space for sharing of knowledge, as well as social and artistic support – to stand together in our relationship with dance, dancing and choreography. A large part of our work consists of finding ways for how to deal with the ‘thought-action’ of rhizomatic structuring and multiple hierarchies. By insisting on togetherness and taking time, we want to take steps away from individualization and loneliness, whether it is through hosting, sharing or making work. It is an ongoing organizational and creative research in collectivity, morphing with time and needs.

Concept, choreography and performance: Danseatelier: Sandra Liaklev Andersen, Ingvild Bertelsen, Marlene Bonnesen, Isolde Daun, Stine Frandsen, Meleat Fredriksson, Emilia Gasiorek, Snorre Jeppe Hansen, Nanna Stigsdatter Mathiassen, Olivia Riviere and Karis Zidore. | Producer: Gry Raaby / Micaela Kühn | Painting: Jens Bredholt | Graphic design: Anna Sagström | Administration: CYRK | Supported by: Statens Kunstfond, Bikubenfonden, William Hansen Fonden, William Demant Fond, Beckett Fonden, Dansk Skuespillerforbund, Aarhus Initiativpulje | Collaborating partners: Godsbanen, Teater Momentum, Inkonst and Den Frie Udstillingsbygning.


På Inkonst följer vi Folkhälsomyndighetens, Polisens och Malmö stads bestämmelser och riktlinjer i samtliga avseenden gällande COVID-19

Fr. o.m den 1 december kommer vår personal att börja kontrollera vaccinationsbevis.
För att påskynda processen vid insläpp ber vi er att ha ID och vaccinationsbevis nära till hands när ni besöker oss.

At Inkonst, we follow the guidelines, rules and regulations set by the Swedish Public Health Authorities, The Swedish Police and the City of Malmö.

Starting December 1st, our staff will be checking proof of vaccination upon entry.
To ensure a smooth entry, please have your ID and proof of vaccination readily available when entering.

  • 27/1–28/12 2021
  • DOORS: 18.30 / ON STAGE: 19.00-20.00
  • 120/165:-
  • Tickets