

Din queera scen för musik, performance, dans och annat som stör ordningen och skakar både själ och rumpa.

In-Q är en vild djupdykning i den gränsöverskridande ocean av kreativa uttryck som queera personer alltid gjort bäst. I samarbete med Malmö Pride presenterar vi det klibbigaste, mest glamourösa och minst förväntade. 

Den 13 augusti fyller vi för första gången scenen med artister som drar med oss ned i sina skönt skeva världar. Drinkar och snacks i baren, DJ som smeker dina trumhinnor och akter som kittlar dina sinnen med vassa naglar och vibrerande bas. Vi kommer köra ungefär en gång i månaden, och skapa den oas av queer kultur vi alltid önskat gå till. Artisterna presenteras löpande på facebook och insta.



Boris Jelic
Boris Jelic is the self-appointed founder of GAYHIPHOP, who perfected his act in clubs and festivals across Europe. He has released an album and an EP, been on two tours of Europe and recently released his latest single “Dirty Secret”, which is an electronic club banger. In-Q will be his first concert in exactly one year and you can expect a wickedly intense performance with lots of surprises.

The Right|s of Spring (excerpt), by Khamlane Halsackda & Maria Stamenkovic Herranz
Meet Kitty Sparkle. She’s a drag artist. Her gender flows as easily as her many facades. She can entertain and dance for you. She can make you laugh, and maybe cry, but she will also carry you into the dark and beautiful corners of her mind where we can all find a way to fly far far from here. Escaping into the realms of our imagination and a utopian freedom, so we too can have the right to be whoever or whatever we choose. The full show can be seen at Stenkrossen, Riksteatern Lund 14/08 & Malmö World Pride 17/08.

Widianne X / Aurora May is a 26 years old Russian-Palestinian multidisciplinary artist, currently based in Malmö, Sweden. She mainly works with performance art and burlesque. Apart from creating for the stage she also paints, writes, sculptures, designs costumes, builds installations and collects vintage. Her art is transformative; the art she creates is always organic and therefore constantly changing, living. In her work she mainly focuses on working with sex-positivity, kink, sadness and trauma. Since the first time she went up on stage in 2015 she has been building up her repertoire: from classical burlesque to kinky performance art and political statements. She has performed nationally as well as internationally, and will be making her MC debut at the opening night of In-Q.

Ranya Asadi is a multidisciplinary artist and performer from Malmö. For the past 10 years, Ranya has worked as a dancer, DJ and organizer. She is an active member of the Scandinavian ballroom-scene, a founding member of the collective FNGRLCKN and the mastermind
behind the inclusive and genre-bending night club GAHBA GARAGE.

DJ Malin Bobo
Malin Bobo is a Malmö based DJ and music explorer totally in love with the peculiar. Her palette contains contradictory genres such as avantgarde synth, street soul
and folklore, that always somehow end up making perfect sense together. Malin holds a residency at Retreat Radio where she since 2019 has been offering up monthly excursions into her whimsical universe of sound’


MALMÖ PRIDE är en årligt återkommande, kreativ, växande och kvalitativ folkfest vars syfte är att vara en naturlig del i Malmös utbud av återkommande arrangemang. Malmö Pride vill verka inkluderande, samhällsutvecklande och tillgängligt för att förmedla starka upplevelser och ge utrymme för radikala uttryck och tankar. 2021 arrangerar Malmö Pride även World Pride tillsammans med Köpenhamn.

INKONST är en fristående kulturscen i Malmö för scenkonst, musik och andra konstformer. Vi visar främst nyskapande och samtida kultur som rör sig utanför det etablerade, självklara och genrebestämda. Vi brinner för konst som spränger gränser, utmanar och tar risker men som också är lekfull, underhållande och glädjespridande.