
KALLELSE #6 – Brenda El Rayes, Fredrik Degrér and Juniper

KALLELSE returns for a spring season of artists working at the creative edges of experimental electronic music performance.

For this first installment, we are featuring Brenda El Rayes (SE), Fredrik Degrér (SE) and Juniper (DK)

The artists introduce themselves as follows:

Brenda El Rayes
As a graduate from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, Brenda mixes sounds, ideas, vocals, melodies and rhythms from the arabic sound world with the western sound world. In everything she does, whether producing music or DJ:ing, you’ll hear those two worlds collide.

Fredrik Degrér
Fredrik Degrér (b. 1993) is a Sweden-based artist and composer. His work deals with generic correlations, self-referential referentiality and temporal potentiality.
Using musical theatre, ambient music, magic, and piano-accompanied speeches, Degrér seeks to unfold something akin to music’s latent qualities through abductive inference. Degrér holds an MA from The Royal Academy of Music in Denmark and his works have been featured at venues such as MINU-festival, Copenhagen; Spor-festival, Aarhus; Struer Tracks, Struer; Borealis-festival, Bergen.

Juniper plays around with bark, logs, piezos and loops in their audio-visual performances. Via sound and touch they explore translations and connections between the wood of their viola and that of the log brought on stage. They test out how bark feels as another layer of skin.

KALLELSE is supported by Malmö Stad and Kulturrådet