

Scenkonststart och programfir på Soi med Nöjesguiden

Inkonst krokar arm med Nöjesguiden och stökar till med fest på Soi29s uteservering för att fira in höstens scenkonstprogram med DJ Kanyl & Ready For It Petra bakom spelarna, en god jävla Soi drink i ena handen och i den andra ett sjukt bra scenkonstprogram att bläddra i, skvallra över och se fram emot. Stina Force bankar skiten ur det sista av sommaren och vrålar in hösten med performancet “A one woman punk band”.

Fredag 23 augusti kl. 17:30-19:30 följt av karaoke

Stina Force is a one-woman punk band. Her performances can only be experienced live. No recordings of her music exist, no performance is like the other, everything is created in the moment. And in these moments there is no escape: improvised voice experiments, grotesque monologues, the raw hammering of the drums – first she plays her audience mightily against the wall, then she wraps them around her finger. In a play with steady and unstable states,

Stina Fors born in Sweden, currently based in Vienna makes performances full of tension, full of wit and nerve-racking power. She has toured with her one-woman-punk band in various music, dance and theater festivals around Europe as well as in the U.S. Stina Force explores what a ‘sounding body’ can be in a repertoire of solo performances. She was part of the improvised goth jazz duo SEKT (NL) and collaborates as a drummer, performer and vocalist in works of other artists around Europe.

Photo: Leontien Allemeersch

En scensommargrej av Inkonst på Soi presenterat av Nöjesguiden

  • 23/8 2024
  • 17:30-19:30
  • FREE
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