

A norm critical primal roar about lesbianism and racialization

A norm critical primal roar about lesbianism and racialization

”ABJECTION refers to the human reaction (horror, vomit) to a threatened breakdown in meaning caused by the loss of the distinction between subject and object or between self and other”

”DESIRE is to want something strongly. A wish or craving. A large, desperate feeling or need. To express a wish; request. Sexual appetite; lust.”

Abject of Desire portrays an agency, a process which is constantly in relation to contradictions. By doing otherness, Shirley Harthey Ubilla wants to direct the voyeur’s eye, whose perception becomes the mirror of the subject. In pursuit in the self-possession of the self, the carnal desires is embodied by extensions and dislocations of that which is otherwise despised. In this piece, focus is directed at questions regarding lesbianism and race.

Shirley Harthey Ubilla is a Stockholm based performance artist, dancer and choreographer whose work combines streetdance as genre and tradition with a theoretical approach to contemporary performance art. She focuses on gender, whiteness, feminism and intersectionality. As a member of the performance group JUCK she has worked with Cleo, Tami T, Silvana Imam and Beatrice Eli, performing at both Melodifestivalen and Rosenbad. She has also participated in Marina Abramovićs Freeing series och Art Must Be Beautiful, Artist Must Be Beautiful at Moderna Museet in Stockholm.

Idea & concept: Shirley Harthey Ubilla & Hanna Kisch | Choreography: Shirley Harthey Ubilla | Costume & scenography: Hanna Kisch & Nina Johansson | Wigmaker: Jessica Hedin | Music & sound design: Maya Lourenço | Lighting design: Angela X | Artistic advisor: Halla Olafsdottir | With support by: the Swedish Arts Grants Committee | In collaboration with: Dansens Hus, Stockholm

Presented by Folkets Park.

  • 13/8 2021
  • Doors: 18.30 On stage: 19.00-20.00
  • Free
  • Boka plats