
Malmö Scenfest: FAST FEED, CLUSTER II and Regndans & Adèle Tornberg

We open up the house for arts and hangout as part of this years Malmö Scenfest! FREE ENTRY!

We’ll open our doors at 18.00 until 22.00, serving a special collection of cocktails in the bar for this evening only. In the blackbox we’ll screen the Swedish premiere of the short film FAST FEED. A film that leads the viewer through a rollercoaster of polarised views, through the body and lens of a black man. In the big stage room we’ll show a durational dance performance called CLUSTER II by dancer and choreographer Anna Pehrsson. The audience will be able to drop in and out to see the piece evolve over time, as Anna Pehrsson together with dancer Agnieszka Sjökvist-Dlugoszewska perform – Slowly gliding through, in-between and outside of themselves and each other.

Throughout the night Regndans will play a DJ set of tribal inspired electronic music that focuses on interweaving traditional elements into modern music. Expect slow grooves laced with oriental influences and world styles. Interdisciplinary artist Adèle Tornberg, whose works are trademarked by an innovative use of shapes and textures, will showcase a selection of projected animations mixed live to create a perfect blend of audio and visual.

Furthermore this evening, the exhibition A Year In Knots by UK based textile artist Daisy Tortuga, will be decorating the walls of the lounge at Inkonst. Tortugas work is filled with brutal honesty, wittiness and dark humour, with the rugs as intimate snapshots from her life. A Year In Knots is a diary, a photograph, a conversation with a friend.


FAST FEED examines our polarised society, and how divisive information via social media is impacting the mental health of our young generations.

“With the increasing division within communities and pressures on our mental health, exacerbated by the digital world, FAST FEED is more urgent and relevant than ever.” said FAST FEED co-director, Ira Mandela Siobhan.

The film provides the viewer with a warning, a chance to reflect on their own relationship with politics, race, equality and the use of social media in our connected/disconnected world. READ MORE



CLUSTER II organise bodies into movement objects-circuits of energies, vibrations and flows where the gap between the problem and its solution becomes the dance. Slowly gliding through, in-between and outside of themselves and each other, these bodies are partly in symbiosis and partly out of reach. The work meets the visitor as an ongoing meditation on proximity and intimacy, an invitation to other ways of being together. Cluster II premiered 2019 at Bonniers Artgallery, Stockholm upon an invitation by Magnus af Petersens.

Anna Pehrsson, born in Boliden, Sweden, is a dancer and choreographer working in the intersection of dance, choreography and visual arts. She danced with Alias Compagnie, Corpus DKT, and Cullberg Ballet, for Edouard Lock, Jefta van Dinther, Eszter Salamon, Rachel Tess and Alexandra Waierstall, amongst others, and has since the choreographic debut in 2016, created a wide-range of works. Pehrsson is an associate artist of Weld W2, Stockholm and holds an MFA in Choreography from DOCH. In 2021, she debuted as a visual artist at Tjörnedala Artgallery Simrishamn, in shared exhibition.

Concept and Choreography: Anna Pehrsson | With and by: Agnieszka Sjökvist-Dlugoszewska and Anna Pehrsson | Sounddesign: Franz Edvard Cedrins | Lightdesign and photography: Thomas Zamolo

  • 26/3 2022
  • 18.00-22.00
  • Gratis